

Final Presentation

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Hannah's Blog" Repsonse

Hannah's blog is based on the topic of the Human Genome Project. Her presentation is straight to the point and gives a general view of the various beliefs of genome project. The question of the human genome project comes down to whether it is moral or immoral. The Genome Project's research has allowed new opportunities to arise in the scientific field. Gene doping was especially interesting to me. The idea of any living specimen's genes being transferred into humans is extremely interesting. The controversy that connects to gene doping is that with the ability to transfer genes, the athletic world will be unfair. Individuals will have strengths that are unnatural and will ultimately be able to beat out others who do not have that particular strength. Genetically engineering humans is also another aspect to the human genome controversy. Individuals who are for the human genome project believe that research can improve athletic ability,create a healthier population, and the population will consist of more intelligent, successful individuals. On the other hand, individuals who are against the human genome believe that God put all humans here for a reason and no one should play the role of God by altering nature. The reasons behind each side's opinion can go on forever. The basis of the controversy comes down to each individuals moral beliefs. After viewing this presentation I still am unsure of where I stand on this topic. I believe that human engineering would only cause problems in society. Parents designing their own children would strive for perfection. Society would become obsessed with making the perfect human. I do believe that genetically engineering animals would allow certain specimens to do specific tasks. The problem with that is harming animals. I also believe that doctors should use this new research and technology to use, and try to prevent disease through individuals genes. If we are able to before hand prevent cancerous cells in a humans body, why not take advantage of that opportunity and remove those cells? This topic is very complex and controversial. However,the aspect of this presentation that I found to be exciting is the fact that the world of science and technology is even considering the idea of human engineering. Our world has become so advanced that even the idea of this is outstanding. I have had previous knowledge on this topic from biology last year, but the way this presentation was presented furthered my knowledge of the humane genome project by providing new visuals and facts that revolve around this topic.

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