

Final Presentation

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama's State of the Union Address

Tonight I sat at home and watched President Obama's State of the Union Address. Obama's presence was strong, confident, and exciting. Every individual that was in that room was able to feel Obama's sense of faith and hope for change in 2010. Obama stated that he was determined to make jobs the number one priority this year. The unemployment rate is still at 10%, and the President and congress are committed to creating jobs. He offered proposals for financial reform, education, health care reform, government spending, and national security. Obama's speech was full of optimism when discussing America's future. One aspect of Obama's speech that I noticed was how he made some jokes to lighten the serious atmosphere and acted as a "real" person. He admitted to his mistakes in his first year in office. However, Obama still spoke of how he does not want American to take second place to any other country. I found it very interesting how the Democratic party would rise and cheer for Obama at various points of his speech. The Republican party, on the other hand, did not stand up or clap for what the President had to say. Although I thought Obama's speech was positive and hopeful, I do believe that with everything the President is trying to do, he may be doing too much. He seems to be trying to change so many issues in America, that the plan for recovery may be out of reach. However, the President seems to be sure his plan is going to work in order to reconstruct America.

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that he made those jokes so that the people could relate to him and feel like the oval office was not so distant from them. This ultimatly made the citizens like me and you feel powerful and gives us hope.
