

Final Presentation

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The topic that I am researching is women. As of now, I think that this topic is very general. However, I am interested in learning about the way women's rights have evolved over time in the United States. Woman did not have the same rights as men during one point in our history, and I am curious to see how women have gained their rights. Still, there may be some controversy that involves women and work. Women may be underpaid compared to men, or may not recieve the same job opportunities as men. Of course these issues were much more controversial in the past, but currently some problems may exist. I am interested to see how in which ways women are still discrimminated against in certain areas. I have never really studied this topic, but after flipping through textbooks, I have been able to read small excerpts on women. In Senora Benito's class this year we had a country to research. My country was Chile. I recently learned that Chile's current present is a female, Michelle Bachelete. She is the first female president in all of Latin America. This relates back to the United States, where Hilary Clinton ran for President in 2008. This shows the progression of women over time, where a female was able to have what is considered a "man's job." I am excited to learn more about women's rights and be able to make connections to what is currently happening in my life.

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